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The Co-op CashMatters Software

A modern and comprehensive Financial, Ledger and Accounting Software

Here are some key features of the Co-op CashMatters Software
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User-friendly and Customisable Dashboards

All your important data instantly accessible.

Dashboard views available on all device types.

cashmatters filters

Comprehensive overview

Utilize a wide range of powerful filter and search options to refine and categorise your data effectively.

Cashmatter income chart

Filter and Search Income categories

By type, transaction date, by resident and many other selections

CashMatters Expense chart

Filter and Search Expense categories

By supplier, method of payment, date of expense and many other selections

Screenshot Annual Report

Reporting and forecasting tools

p-to-date Balance sheets and P&L statements, available for viewing, printing, exporting or emailing at any time.

Screenshot purchase order

Complete Purchase Order process

Forecast, schedule, authorize expenditures and manage resources with our purchase order and approval  process.

Cashmatters purchase order chart

Purchase Order Status Chart

Generate, attach quotes, submit, review, approve or deny and monitor every step of the purchase order process,
from the initial request to the final delivery stage.

Tax dashboard

Tax summary details

Automated monthly reporting for five tax categories.
Custom search reports for any time frame.

Summary reports track taxes submitted with adjustments.

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