Tech Specs

NBC Software System Requirements, Security, Data Storage and Updates.
Software Updates

Desktops / Laptop
Our software will run in the web browser on all Windows PC's and laptops, Mac Desktops and laptops, and Linux devices.
On Chromebooks the software can run as a desktop app or in the browser, and the mobile app can be installed on any Chromebooks with mobile app compatibility.
Windows 7 or above.
Mac OS X or newer
Most Linux OS versions via web browser.
Mobile apps can be Installed on non-android devices via Waydroid or similar Android emulators.
No specific or minimum ram or processor requirements.

Mobile Devices
All mobile apps are distributed via the Google play store.
Our apps can be installed on Android devices with OS 7 or higher will operate when no connection to the internet or cell data is present.and
They can also be run in the web browser on all mobile devices when an internet connection is present via cell or WiFi.
Android 10 and above is recommended.
iOS-12 and above is recommended
A 4 core processor, 4 Gigs of ram, 16 gigs of storage are recommended
For extensive GPS Mapping use, a cellular data card/plan is recommended.

DORA Compliant:
This requires a regulatory framework on digital operational resilience whereby all businesses must ensure that they can resist, respond to and recover from all types of ICT-related disruptions and threats.
Security meets: SOC 2 Type 2 Audited:
This specifies how organizations should manage customer data. The standard is based on the following Trust Services Criteria: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, privacy.
We limit our teams account data access to 2 staff members, using only authorised devices, with multi level password and 2FA authentication controls.
All data is encrypted during transit and at rest on servers.
Computing and mobile devices owned by the Co-op are highly recommended, but not required. The use of personal devices is not recommended, but is possible.
Client user Login is by affiliate authentication via Google Gmail. This enables users to have total password security and control. You set the login passwords and security controls and can change them at any time. We do not see your passwords
Admin and user level logins provide control over access to each app separately and also within each App.
Background Audit logs track all changes made, and are held for 6 months. Audit copies of Asset record changes and inventory adjustments are generated automatically.
Deletions are restricted or not allowed on most record types. Admins can delete some items.
Sensitive in-app data such as emails, phone numbers etc are protected from distribution in print and auto email copies of inspections, work requests etc.
Images and documents such as receipts are held only in your device and local storage. Uninstalling the app will delete all of the Apps stored images and data from your device.

Data Storage
The software and data is kept in encrypted storage on Google Cloud.
Images and file attachments are stored only on your mobile device and/or your local storage.
Active admin users can download and store any of the account data in an Excel CSV file at any time with no additional charges.
Copies of images can be downloaded from your mobile device to any storage point you allow the device to access.
This means you have full access to all of your data, images and files 24-7.
Software Updates
Updating your apps to the latest version gives you access to the latest features and improves app security and stability.
Co-op ServiceMatters Software/App
Jan 2025
The Work calendar now has improved "Next Action" labelling for each event, and can be scheduled for the expected amount of time required to complete the work.
A New rapid access "Schedule Inspection" form makes scheduling of all inspections super fast and easy. Just click the "Calendar Plus" button to open the scheduler.
Asset and condition inspections now include the Smart Response feature, which provides pre-installed selectable concern descriptions, and the option to create your own as well.
Colour coding of "Inspection Status" now applies to all inspection types including Common area, Asset and Equipment inspections
All Overdue work now shows as red with alert marker for the Next Action Date, Assigned To name and Next Action Type
All six tasks on Work Requests can now track individual Labour cost and Materials costs, with a Work Request total value as well. The value of all work and the scheduled completion dates are automatically added to the budgeting reports. The date the work was completed for each task can also be recorded.
Dec. 2024
We have added the data Export feature to the Equipment list. Users can now download an excel CSV file of the full equipment list, or filtered versions of the equipment list.
We have updated the built in lists of Asset Classes, Categories, Sub-categories, Types and Sub-types to include the most commonly used selections in a selector drop list. All Co-ops can also still choose to create their own custom selections, or add new choices to their pre-installed lists.
Client feedback has inspired us to add 33 additional image holders to the Building Exterior Inspection Form. This will greatly increase the ability to document issues and concerns on primary block and building structures. All images support the Draw feature with up to 7 colours available so you can highlight the issues in each image.
The Building Exterior inspection form has been upgraded to use our "Smart Response" process. This feature provides a drop selector to every question enabling you to choose one or more of the most common issue descriptions, and the ability to add your own custom descriptions as well. A huge time saver for all users.
Added an email delivery option for PDF copies for Unit Inspections and also Work Requests. The PDF copy can be emailed out, or printed to hard copy. You control if and when the copy should be created and sent, and the PDF can be re-sent if required such as after updating the file or completion of the work.
Nov 2024
Added 2 more image holders onto the Unit inspection form for Bathrooms 1 and 2, so now up to 4 pictures can be attached to each bathroom, with up to 7 highlighted issues per image.
All questions visible on unit inspection forms are now Mandatory. This ensures no questions are skipped or forgotten.
As each unit has a custom form, every question visible will apply to the unit and should have a rating selected.
If any question is not required for this inspection, just select the "Not Required for this Inspection" response.
Additional information fields have been added to the member and primary contact for each unit.
The equipment list items now include Original Purchase date, Original purchase cost, Estimated Lifespan, Estimated replacement cost, Disposal date.
The option to attach the equipment owners manual and purchase receipt have also been added.
Oct 2024
The Visitor and Key Log
Track Visitors and Keys on your computer or mobile device.
Our Secure log retains details of every visit and key use.
Visuals, texts and emails provide alerts when visitors have not checked out or have not returned keys.
Smart Response
Our unique "Smart Response" feature has been added to the Comments and Concerns section of the Inspection forms to significantly reduce the time required for inspections. Previously this was only a manually typed entry, and we have enhanced the function to reduce entry time, avoid typing errors and make comments more consistent.
An installed multi-selection list of common concerns has been added to each question in the unit inspection forms for all accounts. This allows users to select one or more common "Concern" items from a pre-defined list, eliminating the need for typing. Simply scroll through the list and choose the relevant items.
Furthermore, users retain the ability to type entries, and these entries will be saved to the user's list for use in future inspections. As the user types, the system will automatically search for matching entries, preventing the retyping of existing entries.
Lastly, users can combine preselected and manually typed concerns within each question.
Enhancements to the QR code/search feature to allow externally created QR codes to be used for Asset search. QR codes generated in the app are still available as well.
Enhancements to the QR code/search feature to allow externally created QR codes to be used for Inventory items search. QR codes generated in the app are still available as well.
Enhancements to the QR code/search feature to allow externally created QR codes to be used for Equipment items search. QR codes generated in the app are still available as well.
Adjusted the question sequence in the unit inspection form to better align with the typical dwelling unit layout and inspection path.
Sept 2024
An Inspection form for "Risk and Safety Assessment" to comply with the Insurance companies and Co-op Member groups requirements. A copy of this form can be printed or emailed. Images and other details not required by the member group or insurance company will automatically be removed.
A new status and option to save partially completed inspections as a "draft" to be completed later, with updated reporting to monitor drafts and ensure they are completed or deleted.
An option to print out or email work orders for contractors to use on the jobsite and collect a signature from the member for the completion of work. Contractor copies will not include any additional or sensitive information not required by the contractor.
Dec 2023
Additional functionality added for searching the Contractor Directory.
Enhanced maintenance costs reporting and forecasting.
Co-op AssetMatters Software/App
Dec. 2024
We have added the data Export feature to the Equipment list. Users can now download an excel CSV file of the full equipment list, or filtered versions of the equipment list.
We have updated the built in lists of Asset Classes, Categories, Sub-categories, Types and Sub-types to include the most commonly used selections in a selector drop list. All Co-ops can also still choose to create their own custom selections, or add new choices to their pre-installed lists.
Nov 2024
Additional information fields have been added to the member and primary contact for each unit.
We have updated the Asset Replacement value report to include new data fields.
The equipment list items now include Original Purchase date, Original purchase cost, Estimated Lifespan, Estimated replacement cost, Disposal date.
The option to attach the owners manual and purchase receipt have also been added.
Oct. 2024
Changes in the Asset Depreciation database resulting in a 45% reduction in loading time when updating an Asset condition/risk rating file.
The "Depreciation Term" field for straight line depreciation will now offer the "Expected Lifespan" number of months as the Depreciation term. Users may select this value or enter/update to their own value at any time.
Changes in the Asset Depreciation database resulting in a 45% reduction in loading time when editing an Asset file.
Enhancements to the QR code/search feature to allow externally created QR codes to be used. QR codes generated in the app are still available as well.
Enhancements to the QR code/search feature to allow externally created QR codes to be used for Equipment items search. QR codes generated in the app are still available as well.
Sept. 2024
An auto calculation option for the replacement cost of assets. This offers the user two amounts calculated based on the Canadian annual average inflation.
The lower amount is just the calculation for inflation. The higher amount includes a 25% allowance for soft costs as safety margin.
Users may select either of the amounts or enter/update to their own value at any time.
Jan. 2024
Asset management categories updated to align with Revenue Canada tax codes for 2024.
Co-op CashMatters Software/App
Aug. 2024
The Purchase orders process now includes a "Second Level" of approval for amounts exceeding the primary approval level. A second submission, review, and approval date will be required for any purchase over the buyers approval limit.
June 2023
Enhanced search capabilities for accounts payable and receivable reports.
April 2023
New reimbursement reporting added providing instant review and validation for tracking out of pocket and petty cash expenses.
Co-op RequestMatters Portal
Dec. 2024
We have simplified the selection process for new users to indicate which Co-op they live in.